Our SE


To further promote products offered by our social enterprises and create further work opportunities in logistic and stock keeping, we are running three businesses in direct sales including New Life Fruit Wholesale, eshop330 and rwb330.

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    New Life Fruit Wholesale

    We provide New Life Fruit Wholesale for bulk purchase of seasonal fruits from customers. Simply contact us at the enquiry hotline below, we will provide you with quotation and suggestion of the choices of seasonal fruits if needed.

    New Life Fruit Wholesale
    For enquiry, please contact 2389-2286.

  • eshop330


    "eshop330” is the online store of farmfresh330 which sells organic veggies and a variety of health and natural products. Customers could also order our Bright Buy products through this eshop.

    To any health conscious ones like you, please go to the following website for further product information and start ordering:

    Visit eshop330

  • rwb330 eshop

    rwb330 eshop

    "rwb330 eshop” sells exquisite handicrafts made by PIRs in our sheltered workshops. Featured products include the crossover product series designed by anothermountainman, Hong Kong souvenirs & travelling series, chocolate rain products, and so on; apart from these, customers could also enroll our creative workshop and order floral arrangement in this eshop

    Please go to the following rwb330 eshop for stylish and creative local art pieces and handicrafts:

    Visit rwb330 eshop


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